Sinopia Tech


This is a page for technical information on the Sinopia project, a RDF-native cataloging environment for LD4P.

Site Menu

View the Project on GitHub LD4P/sinopia

Here are various views, diagrams, and notes on the overall Sinopia architecture. This page is likely to change (and change often) as we work through implementations in our current work cycle. A lot of the following has overlap with the defined Sinopia Data Models.

All of the following diagrams should be accessible in this open Google drive folder as well.

Conceptual Architectural

This is a high-level diagram of the full Sinopia system and it’s components. Where feasible at a high level, sub-system interactions and protocols are documented here:

link to diagram

Architectural Components

Sinopia Profile Editor

link to diagram, requires Google Drive Add-on to Edit

Sinopia Front-End

link to diagram

Sinopia Server & Data Materialization

link to diagram, requires Google Drive Add-on to Edit

Integration Points & Interfaces (External ReST APIs or other)

WIP. See the work here that is specifically about Sinopia Editor & QA-inspired Lookup API interactions.

Dataflow & Interaction Diagram

These are a list of “dataflow” and sequence diagrams to help unravel the expected and supported Sinopia system interactions. These are a level or two below some of the UX/UI work, focusing on the underlying systems.

Overall ‘Dataflow’ Diagram

link to diagram

Login & First Steps

  1. Authentication
  2. Administrative Landing Page (website)
    1. Favorites or Most Used Profiles List
    2. Profiles Search
    3. WIP or Draft Data Entry (Stretch)
    4. Internal Instance Data Search
  3. Authorization

Create New Profile

Loading Profile

Option 1: Select Profile from Most Used

  1. Profile pulled from database
  2. Profile loaded into Editor
  3. User redirected to Editor with that Profile (next step)

Option 2: Search & Select Profile

  1. Enter Profile search term (label, author, date, keyword) in Profiles search
  2. View Profile results (list of Profile metadata)
  3. User selects profile
  4. Profile pulled from database
  5. Profile loaded into Editor
  6. User redirected to Editor with that Profile (next step)

Edit Existing Profile


Delete Existing Profile


Create New Entity

link to diagram

Create New Entity with Context


Edit Existing Entity


Delete Existing Entity


Sinopia / QA Form Type-Ahead


Sinopia / QA Form Contextual Lookup

link to diagram


Sinopia / Internal Form Type-Ahead


Sinopia / Internal Form Contextual Lookup




Original Whiteboard Photos
