

ArtFrame, 2017-11-17

Summary Recommendation

Table of Contents

Many artists, artworks or art related publications represented in our library collections are recipients of awards. Being able to find all the resources connected to a specific award within one collection or across different collections has been identified as a critical use case ( the ArtFrame group. An award could be given to a creator for a specific work (in which case the award would need to be associated with that work) or it could be a career achievement award that can only be associated with the agent, but not with a specific work.

The ArtFrame group considered the inclusion of awards in the LD4P event model (tbd), but decided that for the ArtFrame use case the actual event, e.g. an awards ceremony, is not what is considered important. It is sufficient to say that a specific work or agent received a specific award on a given date.

In the traditional MARC environment, catalogers have recorded award information in the Awards note: 586. ( Access points related to awards are generally coded as LC subject headings (150 with a 550 Art–Awards), however these LCSH terms are applied to resources about that award, not to those receiving an award. The content standard RDA covers awards in 7.28. The instructions are limited to “Record information on an award if considered important for identification or selection.” The examples reflect a note style. The RDA registry provides a property rdau:P60090. (

In BIBFRAME a property bf:awards is available. However, bf:awards is a datatype property and therefore carries the MARC practice forward to record related information in a text string. It does currently not allow for linking out to awards, for example in Wikidata (e.g. Sobey Art Award) ( The VIVO ontology has a class vivo:Award ( related properties, however those tend to have ranges limiting their use to foaf:Agent or foaf:Organization.

The art specific standards and ontologies that were investigated do not specifically address the issue of awards.

While the awards model was developed specifically to address the descriptive needs of bibliographic items in the art and rare materials domains, we define it as an independent model with the expectation that it could be useful in the description of awards related to a broad range of resources.

Awards in BIBFRAME

Properties ——— bf:awards


The proposed Award model for ArtFrame is in part based on the award classes and properties developed for the LD4L 2014 Ontology ( and a proposal developed for bibliotek-o that remained unfinished due to time constraint. However, these models were adjusted and extended to accommodate use cases and data examples identified by the ArtFrame group.














receives (object property)

receivedBy (object property)

hasAward (object property)

isAwardOf (object property)


bf:agent (Object property)

agentOf (Object property)

hasActivity (Object property)

isActivityOf (Object property)


Award model diagram


:w1 a bf:Work ; bf:awards “Man Booker Prize, 1987, shortlist” .

> - **586 (awards note): Man Booker Prize, 1987, shortlist -- biblioteko/ArtFrame**

:chatterton a bf:Work ; award:receives :awardReceipt1 .

:awardReceipt1 a af:AwardReceipt, af:AwardShortlist ; award:hasAward :award1 ; award:receivedBy :chatterton ; award:date “1987” .

:award1 a vivo:Award ; rdfs:label “Man Booker Prize” .

> - **586 (awards note): George Wittenborn Award, Art Libraries Society of North  America, 1998 -- BIBFRAME**

w1 a bf:Work ; bf:awards “George Wittenborn Award, Art Libraries Society of North America, 1998” .

> - **586 (awards note): George Wittenborn Award, Art Libraries Society of North  America, 1998 -- biblioteko/ArtFrame**

:Ikat a bf:Work ; award:receives :awardReceipt1 .

:awardReceipt1 a award:AwardReceipt, award:AwardWinner ; award:hasAward :award1 ; award:receivedBy :Ikat ; bf:date “1998” ; ex:hasActivity :activity1 .

:award1 a vivo:Award ; rdfs:label “George Wittenborn Award” .

:activity1 a award:AwardGranterActivity ; bf:agent .

> - **586 (awards note): Smith Award, Decorative Arts Society, 2006, for the essay,  "The most artistic house in New York City" -- BIBFRAME**

w1 a bf:Work ; bf:title :t1 ; bf:partOf :w2 ; bf:awards “Smith Award, Decorative Arts Society, 2006” .

:t1 a bf:Title ; rdfs:label “The most artistic house in New York City” ; bf:mainTitle “The most artistic house in New York City” .

:w2 a bf:Work ; bf:title :t2 ; bf:hasPart :W1 .

:t2 a bf:Title ; rdfs:label “Louis Comfort Tiffany and Laurelton Hall” ; bf:mainTitle “Louis Comfort Tiffany and Laurelton Hall” .

> - **586 (awards note): Smith Award, Decorative Arts Society, 2006, for the essay,  "The most artistic house in New York City" -- biblioteko/ArtFrame**

:w1 a bf:Work ; bf:partOf :w2 ; award:receives :awardReceipt1 .

:awardReceipt1 a award:AwardReceipt, award:AwardWinner ; award:hasAward :award2 ; award:receivedBy :w1 ; bf:date “2006” ; ex:hasActivity :activity1 .

:award2 a vivo:Award ; rdfs:label “Smith Award” .

:activity1 a award:AwardGranterActivity ; bf:agent :agent1 .

:agent1 a bf:Organization ; rdfs:label “Decorative Arts Society” .

> - **Someone talked! (Poster) "Winner R. Hoe & Co., Inc. Award - National War Poster Competition. -- BIBFRAME**

:w a bf:Work ; bf:award “Winner R. Hoe & Co., Inc. Award - National War Poster Competition.”

> - **Someone talked! (Poster) "Winner R. Hoe & Co., Inc. Award - National War Poster Competition. -- biblioteko/ArtFrame**

:SomeoneTalked! a bf:Work ; award:receives :awardReceipt1 .

:awardReceipt1 a award:AwardReceipt, award:AwardWinner ; award:hasAward :award1 ; award:receivedBy :SomeoneTalked! .

:award1 a vivo:Award ; rdfs:label “R. Hoe & Co., Inc. Award–National War Poster Competition” .

> - **Award selector/judge -- biblioteko/ArtFrame**

:MurrayHill a bf:Person ; award:receives :awardReceipt.

:awardReceipt a award:AwardReceipt, a award:AwardWinner ; award:isReceiptOf :AnnualContemporaryCrafExhibitionforGlass ; award:receivedBy :MurrayHill ; bf:date “1987” ; ex:hasActivity :activity1, :activity2 .

:activity1 a award:SelectorActivity ; bf:agent .

:activity2 a award:AwardGranterActivity ; bf:agent :agent2 .